By Satinder Haer

If you’re considering investing orpurchasing in Miami, use this information to make an informed
decision. Understanding your market and competition is necessary due to the
local nature of real estate.
Changes in Miami Real Estate
Miami’s history shows that the city is no stranger to real
estate fluctuations. After the burst of the real estate bubble, Miami home prices and sales
fell dramatically—many investors stopped buying homes and regular home buyers
were hesitant to purchase. As a popular investor and vacation home market, the
slowdown was not a surprise. However, as home sales bounced back, investors
once again flocked to Miami and spurred the city’s recovery. In 2012, cash
buyers made up 70 percent of the home sales in Miami. While the percentage of
cash deals in Miami has dropped in the last few years, Miami is still one of
the hottest cash buyer markets.
Even the government is taking interest in the astonishing number of cash deals taking place in Miami. In January 2016 the U.S. Departmentof Treasury announced that title companies handling cash deals in this market will have to reveal the name of any buyer spending more than $3 million. This new regulation will likely impact investors, especially foreign investors who cannot obtain U.S. mortgages and therefore typically make all-cash purchases.
How Miami Compares to Other Florida Metros
Florida is a hot-spot for cash buyer markets. Eight of the 10 top cashbuyer markets as of Q2 2015 were located in Florida. Miami led the
way as the number one market with 55 percent cash home sales. Sarasota, Fort
Myers, Daytona Beach, Tampa, Lakeland, Melbourne and Orlando followed, respectively.
Orlando, which was tenth on the list of top cash buyer markets and ranked
eighth of the Florida markets, had 44 percent home deals—a full 11 percent less
than Miami. Despite the fact that cash deals inMiami have actually gone down from other years, Miami still leads
the other cash buyer markets in Florida by a large percentage.
Implications for Buyers
Buyers who are looking at homes in Miami
will need to take the large percentage of cash buyers into account. Investors
who are willing to put down a lot of cash, or even purchase the property
outright, may be more competitive in the Miami market. Many of the cash deals
already being facilitated in Miami are likely from investors and could be your
competition. On the other hand, investors who purchase high-end or luxury
properties may need to consider the implications of the U.S. Treasury’s new disclosure
Regardless of which situation applies you, use this
information to arm yourself before you buy your next property. Knowing the
influence of cash in your market can help you make strategic investment